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clouds of 意味

"clouds of"の例文


  • ~の大群{たいぐん}
  • in clouds    大群{たいぐん}で
  • in the clouds    現実離れした、空高く、上の空で◆【直訳】雲の中に頭を突っ込んでいる Don't pay too much attention to what he says. He is usually in the clouds. 彼の言うことをまじめに聞かないでください。彼はいつも現実離れしているのです。 He was in the clouds. It was all fantasy. 彼は夢想にふけっ
  • a mass (of clouds)    a mass (of clouds) 一朶 いちだ
  • above clouds    雲の上に(ある)
  • above the clouds    above the clouds 雲の上 くものうえ 雲上 うんじょう 雲表 うんぴょう
  • altocumulus clouds    altocumulus clouds 高積雲 こうせきうん
  • altostratus clouds    altostratus clouds 高層雲 こうそううん
  • among the clouds    雲間に
  • auspicious clouds    auspicious clouds 瑞雲 ずいうん
  • bank of clouds    《a ~》層雲{そううん}、入道雲{にゅうどうぐも}
  • billow clouds    billow clouds 波状雲[地球]
  • billowing clouds    大波{おおなみ}のようにうねる雲
  • black clouds    black clouds 黒雲 くろくも こくうん
  • blanket of clouds    一面の雲
  • break in the clouds    雲の切れ間、雲の切れ目、雲の裂け目


  • all the black clouds of flies just buzzing around .
  • the clouds of may fly towards my hometown .
    故郷に向かって 進む 五月雲
  • these are clouds of small objects which appear as comets
    太陽に向かってくるときに 彗星として観測されるような --
  • clouds (the clouds of the to-ji temple )
  • actually the clouds of venus .
  • surrounded by dense clouds of black smoke , the kiln provides a spectacular sight .
  • with a gust of wind , parting above the peaks are clouds of white: as utterly cold as your heart (kokin , koini , 601 )
  • apart from the sail , perry ' s black-hulled side-wheel ships ran on steam engines that emitted clouds of smoke from their chimneys and came with sail ships in tow .
  • there was but one sky , she weaved through clouds of wavese and smoke of waves , deeper and deeper into the sea ,' until finally reaching the palace of the dragon king , where the oval treasure was mounted on top of a 90-meter-tall pagoda .
  • the ' ama no murakumo no tsurugi ' (also called ' ame no murakumo no tsurugi ' , translated literally as , " sword of the gathering clouds of heaven ) is one of the ' sanshu no jingi ' (the three imperial regalia ) and a ' shintai ' (an object of worship housed in a shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity ) of the atsuta-jingu shrine .
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