in the clouds 現実離れした、空高く、上の空で◆【直訳】雲の中に頭を突っ込んでいる Don't pay too much attention to what he says. He is usually in the clouds. 彼の言うことをまじめに聞かないでください。彼はいつも現実離れしているのです。 He was in the clouds. It was all fantasy. 彼は夢想にふけっ
all the black clouds of flies just buzzing around . 蠅の大群が雲になって...
the clouds of may fly towards my hometown . 故郷に向かって 進む 五月雲
these are clouds of small objects which appear as comets 太陽に向かってくるときに 彗星として観測されるような --
clouds (the clouds of the to-ji temple ) 雲形(東寺雲)
actually the clouds of venus . 正確には金星の雲です
surrounded by dense clouds of black smoke , the kiln provides a spectacular sight . 焼成の際は、周囲に黒煙がもうもうと立ち込め、壮観である。
with a gust of wind , parting above the peaks are clouds of white: as utterly cold as your heart (kokin , koini , 601 ) 風吹けば峰にわかるる白雲の絶えてつれなき君が心か(古今・恋二・601)
apart from the sail , perry ' s black-hulled side-wheel ships ran on steam engines that emitted clouds of smoke from their chimneys and came with sail ships in tow . 黒塗りの船体の外輪船は、帆以外に外輪と蒸気機関でも航行し、帆船を1艦ずつ曳航しながら煙突からはもうもうと煙を上げていた。
there was but one sky , she weaved through clouds of wavese and smoke of waves , deeper and deeper into the sea ,' until finally reaching the palace of the dragon king , where the oval treasure was mounted on top of a 90-meter-tall pagoda . 「空はひとつに雲の波、煙の波を凌ぎつつ、海漫々と分け入りて」やっと竜宮につくと、三十丈の宝塔の頂にその珠がまつられていた。
the ' ama no murakumo no tsurugi ' (also called ' ame no murakumo no tsurugi ' , translated literally as , " sword of the gathering clouds of heaven ) is one of the ' sanshu no jingi ' (the three imperial regalia ) and a ' shintai ' (an object of worship housed in a shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity ) of the atsuta-jingu shrine . 天叢雲剣(あまのむらくものつるぎ、あめのむらくものつるぎ)とは、三種の神器の一つで、熱田神宮の神体である。